Grow Your Brain!
Think you're smart enough already? Leading researchers in education and motivation have found that there's one big difference between high-performing students and low-performing ones, and it has nothing to do with how "smart" they are. It's all about your mindset! Students who believe that you're either smart or dumb and never change from that tend to get stuck trying to prove themselves and end up performing worse on tests and in other challenging situations. On the flip side, students who believe that they can grow their brains and get smarter through hard work and asking questions tend to do much better on the same tasks, and they enjoy learning more! So this page is to help you (or your child) to change their mindset and watch their potential soar!
How Does It Work?
To learn more about the importance of having a growth mindset and believing that you can develop your brain, check out this article! It features research on animals and children that show just how important it is to work hard and exercise your mind.
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